From Vision to Reality: Our Founder's Journey
Step back in time to Belgium, 1949. In the aftermath of World War II, as Europe struggled to rebuild, Albert Vandaele discovered an opportunity amidst the chaos, giving birth to Alva.
By repurposing discarded materials and equipment from the war, Albert crafted high-quality aluminum pots and pans, marking the inception of the Alva product line. His meticulous attention to detail was evident from the very first designs, ensuring that any pots and pans failing to meet his rigorous standards were promptly melted down and recast.
The commitment to detail, product quality, and sustainability that Albert established continues to be a fundamental part of our company's operations today.

In 1949, the inaugural Alva aluminum pots and pans were created using repurposed materials from World War II.

In 1954, Alva received a request to produce 25,000 whistling kettles for a client. To meet this demand, the company invested in new manufacturing equipment and expanded its
As customer preferences shift and new materials rise in popularity, aluminum cookware encounters strong competition from stainless steel. In response, Alva adapts, introducing its first line of stainless steel products to the market.

On March 29, 1983, a devastating fire nearly obliterated the Alva factory, leaving the family business with virtually nothing. Offices, machinery, products, and warehouses were all consumed by the flames.
Yet, in under three months, new Alva products were rolling off the production line, a testament to the brand's fortitude and resilience.

After four decades of producing cookware, Allinox was established in the early 1990s as the commercial arm of Alva. Based in Belgium, this family-owned company manufactures, stocks, and distributes high-quality cookware globally.

In 2022, Michel Delmulle, Albert Vandaele's grandson, assumed responsibility for the brand's distribution.
Together with Sophie Declerck, Michel helped expand the brand into the U.S. market.